In-house planning experts from Churchill
Planning Issues Limited is an in-house planning and design consultancy for Churchill Retirement Living. The team is made up of chartered town planners and architects as well as affordable housing professionals.
Planning Issues is involved right from the initial stages of land identification through to completion of the development. The team is keen to engage with the local community, key local stakeholders and local planning authorities.
Planning Issues is committed to the delivery of high quality design solutions for Churchill Retirement Living and future residents alike.
Churchill Retirement Living always seeks to work in partnership with local planning authorities to ensure an appropriate range of housing is offered to older people, in a way that satisfies the policies of local planning policy while also satisfying the government’s wider planning and housing objectives.
Retirement Living Explained: A Guide for Planning & Design Professionals
This comprehensive guide by Churchill Retirement Living, supported by the Housing LIN, provides a fresh perspective on exactly how retirement living should be defined, getting to the heart of the changing needs and expectations for this niche sector of development.
Its key conclusions are that specialist retirement housing offers wide-reaching benefits that meet the three pillars of sustainable development – economic, environmental, and social – and that these benefits apply to individuals, communities and society as a whole.
Written by the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape at Newcastle University, it sets out some of the key research, planning, policy and practice issues that are relevant to our sector, and the key considerations that set this type of development apart.
This comprehensive guide is available to download here.
Benefits of retirement living
- Neighbourly form of development.
- Reduces demands on health and social services as single visits are possible to pool resources.
- Provides companionship and a community which reduces isolation, loneliness and depression.
- Well-located to shops and essential services, reducing the need to travel by car.
- Helps to maintain an independent lifestyle and heath and general wellbeing.
- Safety and security features reduce anxieties and worries experienced by many older people.
- Ongoing maintenance provided by the management company.
If you would like to discuss our approach to planning and design, please contact Stuart Goodwill, Managing Director via email stuart.goodwill@planningissues.co.uk or call 01425 462372.