As we get deeper into the summer months, it’s nearly time for you to dust off your sun lotion and enjoy the beauty of the great outdoors. There’s nothing like sunshine and warm weather to lift your mood, and inspire you to get out living your retirement years to the full. But getting outside isn’t just fun - it also has plenty of health benefits for people in their retirement years.
Find out why you should be taking full advantage of the sunlight below!
What are the benefits of being outside?
- Better physical health - Vitamin D
- Great for your mental health
- No limit to what you can do
- More energy, less tiredness
- Reduces stress
- Can be a social activity
Better physical health
By simply going out for a walk once in a while, you’ll do your body a world of good. On sunny days, you can get loads of exposure to Vitamin D, which helps to strengthen your bones, increase your immune system and reduces the likelihood of serious illnesses like cancer. But that’s not all - by keeping active, you’ll also strengthen your muscles and keep your body in the best shape possible.
Great for your mental health
Going on a stroll outside has obvious physical health benefits, but less obvious is the positive difference it makes to your mental health. Going out for a bit of exercise makes you feel less depressed and anxious, while the relaxing feeling of exploring nature can give your mood a huge boost.
No limit to what you can do
While there’s a limit to what you can get up to at home, the outside world has no such limits. You could spend time spotting birds, going on a long walk through nature, or get lost decorating your garden. No one day outside has to be the same!
More energy, less tiredness
Being cooped up at home all the time can lead to you feeling more exhausted during the day. If you get into the habit of being outside more, you’ll get to enjoy increased energy and concentration levels. Because you’ll naturally exert more energy outside, you’ll also have a better sleep.
Reduces stress
Whenever something in your life is causing you stress, there aren’t many better solutions than a breath of fresh air. You might not think so, but the simple act of going outside in the sun can help reduce your stress levels. This is because sunshine can make you feel happy by triggering the release of serotonin in your brain. Next time you feel stressed, you know what to do!
Can be a social activity
Whenever you get blessed by good weather, getting outdoors is a perfect excuse to meet new people or loved ones. After all, you won’t be the only one inspired to get out and enjoy the sunshine. Why not get involved in an outdoor exercise class, a golf society, or even a chess club? There is no reason why most of your summer shouldn’t be spent outside!
With Churchill you can lock up and leave whenever
Eager to enjoy the joys of summertime? With a Churchill Retirement apartment, you can make use of your spare time and go exploring whenever you please! All of our apartments are built to prioritise your safety and security, meaning you can leave home with the confidence that everything will be the same when you get back!