After a life of hard work and early mornings, your retirement should be a perfect time to sit back and enjoy the relaxation that you deserve. However, if you are somebody who likes to keep busy, it is easy to see why you might think retirement is overrated. With so much time on your hands and no clear routine, it can be difficult to know where to start in your retirement. If you want to know how to enjoy a slower pace of life, our guide will run you through just a few of the ways that you can ensure your retirement is as sweet and fulfilling as possible.
Retirement is a new beginning
Before embarking on your retirement, remember that now is the best time to pursue that passion that you previously never had time for. You could pick up painting, learn how to play an instrument, or pursue a new sport to keep fit - the world is truly your oyster. Retirement is great because it lets you decide what you do with your time, with everything, on your terms. If there is a particular creative itch you want to scratch, we would advise spending some time planning what you want to do in your retirement years, while leaving plenty of time for some much-deserved leisure. But if you are still scrambling your brain for inspiration, read on below for a rundown of things to do in retirement.
Retirement to do list;
Embrace the arts
Ever feel like your day job prevented you from getting in touch with your creative side? Don’t worry - retirement could be the best time to express yourself. There are plenty of beginner art classes offered in the UK, so why not get into activities like painting, life-drawing and even sculpting. But if you can’t tell your Picasso from your Van Gogh, why not consider putting pen to paper and writing a book? As a retiree, you are perfectly placed to share your life experiences with others, and writing is also a great way of keeping your mind active. If you like the sound of that, our retirement homes in Bristol will put you at the heart of one of the UK’s most booming spots for art and culture, with plenty of art galleries, theatres and music venues to draw inspiration from.
Take part in online classes
It is never too late to learn new things, and retirement could be the best chance you have of learning about a topic you have always been curious about. Many schools and Universities are now offering free online classes, so if there is a language you want to learn, or a complex equation you want to get your head around, the time is now! Unlike when you were at school, you don’t have to take on the pressure of formal examinations, so you can enjoy learning at your own pace, and without the fear of a strict teacher. A recent study shows that non-formal learning has a largely positive impact on the psychological well-being of older adults, making it even more important to invest in.
Volunteer for a worthy cause
Still miss the world of work? You might want to look into volunteering for your local community. Older volunteers are particularly welcome because they are able to commit more of their time, and bring with them a wealth of life experience. Find a cause you truly care about, whether it is the environment or teaching, and volunteering can be very rewarding. As well as helping those organisations that need it the most, volunteering can bring a sense of purpose and structure to your retirement, as well as the possibility of meeting new people.
Travel the world
Without the process of handing in a holiday request at work, travelling the world has never been easier as a retiree. There is so much out there to see and explore - whether you fancy a trip overseas or a more convenient staycation near a beach in the UK - and a considerable amount of time for you to do so. Fancy a spontaneous trip to Peru? Go for it.
Spend time with grandkids
If you have grandkids, be sure to set aside some spare time for quality time. As well as helping your children with childcare, finding activities for a young child to take part in can be an adventure in itself, resulting in a lot of potential exercise, and plenty of memories for you to treasure. For example, our retirement homes in Devon are situated just moments away from Sidmouth Beach, giving your grandchildren plenty of space to explore and build sand castles. Best of all, you can enjoy all of the fun of looking after a child without the burden of taking them on full time - result!