Churchill Retirement Living and its management company Churchill Estates Management have pulled together to raise £1,232 and donate over 250 toys and gifts to support Wave 105’s Mission Christmas Cash for Kids appeal for disadvantaged children this Christmas.
Colleagues donated toys and gifts for children of all ages to help Mission Christmas provide presents for those who otherwise would not receive anything on Christmas morning. An additional £1,750 contribution from the Churchill Foundation ensured that over 250 presents could be delivered to the Mission Christmas distribution centre in Winchester on Tuesday 20th December.
Funds were also raised through a grand Christmas Raffle Draw run by the firm’s own charity, the Churchill Foundation. Colleagues across the country took part for the chance to win a range of impressive prizes donated by the Company’s generous business partners.
Continuing the generosity, Churchill Colleagues also raised over £280 for Save the Children by taking part in the charity’s “Christmas Jumper Day” initiative on 8th December.
Spencer and Clinton McCarthy, Churchill Retirement Living founders and Trustees of the Churchill Foundation, said:
“We’re delighted with the response to this year’s Christmas appeal to support both Mission Christmas and Save the Children. The gifts for Mission Christmas will make such a difference to children all over the country who faced the prospect of waking up to no presents this Christmas morning. It’s great to see our Colleagues and Business Partners giving something back at this time of year, and we’d like to thank everyone who donated for their generosity.”