There are many global challenges currently facing our planet. Climate change is arguably one of the greatest and over the next few years, the construction industry faces ambitious challenges to meet the Government’s net zero carbon housing targets.
We know that our specialist form of retirement housing is highly sustainable – indeed, it’s hard to think of a form of housing development that could be any more sustainable than ours – but that doesn’t mean that we can’t do more with our product and how we deliver and manage it, to ensure that, as far as is possible, we can work towards meeting the Government’s ambition.

Our impacts upon society in general and upon the local communities within which we build, together with our relationships with our Customers, sub-contractors, suppliers, consultants and Colleagues, are extremely important to us too. We can take great pride in what we have achieved over the years in this respect, and remain committed to ensuring that our business has a positive impact on all our stakeholders.
As part of our ambition to significantly increase unit sales while addressing the challenges outlined above, and so as to better monitor and report on our ESG credentials, we have brought together senior leaders from across our business to unite our ESG approach. This is being led from the top with our PLC Board Director, Gary Day, as Chair of our ESG Committee.
Our ESG Committee was brought together in Spring 2022 and has already made great progress in identifying the strands of ESG work that are important to our business operations; adopting an ESG Strategy; capturing what we do well already and what processes we have in place to monitor performance; and identifying areas where we can improve, and setting KPIs accordingly.

Sustainability initiatives give Churchill the opportunity to ensure that our specialist retirement housing product is futureproofed, safe and secure for our Owners. By progressing and developing our ESG responsibilities, we can help drive the success of our Company; inspire our Colleagues; improve the lives of our Owners; and give back to the communities in which we live and work.
Our first ESG report sets out our ESG priorities, how they align with our corporate strategy, and how we have progressed during the 2021/22 financial year.